Season of Bronze!

Summer is here and I think its safe to say that around this season many people indulge in golden or bronze hues.  Well I'm back to share with you my top 3 picks when I'm trying to achieve a golden or bronzed eye look.

Summer Essentials

Yesterday post marked the first official day of summer, but here in NC the sun has been a blazing well before that.  I thought that I would share some of the things that have made my summer essentials list on how to survive the days that will only grow warmer.

Strolling Through the City

Today I ventured out into the city limits.  A slight switch up from the usual.  I admire the raw beauty that the city has, it's beautiful to take in when you're actually paying attention.   I love the country dearly, but I have a gut feeling that leads me to believe I need to be in a city to reach my maximum potential.  Somewhere progressive, with people that share my interest.  It's difficult trying to stay motivated around people that truly don't understand how much work goes into blogging/vlogging.  Anywho, I hope you enjoy this look.  Let me know some ways that you keep yourself motivated.

Natural Hair Staples!

Everyone has those products that they cannot live without, those products that are always their constant backbone product.  Well today I am going to show you my staples.  Now some of these products do not mix well together, so in no way am I saying use all of these products and your will

Fallin into Spring

 Even in the Spring I find myself enjoying these cloudy cool days with layered looks.  What can I say, fall is my favorite season hands down. I take full advantage of this flip flop
weather that North Carolina serves its residents on the regular.  Might as well layer while I can,

International Natural Hair Meetup Day

So May 30, 2015 was the day that brought what I'm sure was thousands of natural curlies together across the globe.  The International Natural Hair Meetup Day is the day that ladies from all around the world bring their kinks, curls, or coils to one of the 50+ events hosted in their area, and celebrate the beauty of their unique mane.